Contact us

Contact us as a customer

Whether you have specific plans for an upcoming meeting or have decided it's time to meet with your team but haven't quite nailed down the topic and content yet, we at Konflinx are here to help you through the entire process. Please use our simple inquiry form to fill in the basic data or contact us by email/phone

Konflinx Uruguay

Adress 1

Zip City

+598 1234567

Contact us as conference venue

If you are missing your venue, you can fill out the form below with contact information and we will contact you as soon as possible to add you to our site. If the information on your conference fecility is incorrect, contact us, and we fix it right away!

Register your venue
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Mother company and technical assistance

Konflinx Services Sp. z o.o.

ul. Święty Marcin 29/8,
61-806 Poznań, Poland